MS in Library Science (1996), University of North Texas
PhD program (ABD 1986), applied linguistics/semantics, Indiana
MA (1983), applied linguistics/Teaching English as a Second Language, Indiana
BGS (1979), General Studies (sociology, world literature, political science),
University of Iowa
Virtual Worlds
Campus Lead for Second Life (September 2009-present), University of Texas Arlington
(one-half time concurrent with other duties)
- Part of the UT System grant funded project Transforming Undergraduate Education
- Responsible for the entry of UT Arlington into education and a campus presence in the virtual world Second Life, including building environments; facilitating students, faculty and staff in using the virtual world platform; training; recruiting participants; promotion; and moving the project to sustainability
Virtual Worlds Developer (September 2006-present)
- Co-developer of environments, including merchant booths and a carnival-themed entertainment area to support Relay for Life in Second Life, a London (UK)-themed shopping area, residential areas, and the 3-island University of Texas Arlington campus
- Skills include environment design, building design and construction, design of interactive installations, texturing, and some scripting
- Experience includes 2 years serving as a volunteer mentor for new residents with the Linden Lab-sponsored Second Life Mentor program
Information Architect (May 2001-present), Digital Library Services,
University of Texas at Arlington Library
- Design information structure for web sites
- Design and conduct web site usability testing
- Create database-driven web applications
- Participate in the development and maintenance of the UT Arlington Library's public web site
- Participate in the planning and execution of the UT Arlington Library's
digitization projects
- Coordinate online user support
- Assist with student, faculty and staff training and consultation in the Digital
Media Studio
Interim Coordinator, Digital Library Services (August 2006-July 2008), University of Texas at Arlington Library
- With a staff of 9, day-to-day management of the library's web properties, digitization projects, online user support, digital library promotional materials, and the Digital Media Studio
Instructional Technology Specialist (May 2000-May 2001), Digital
Library Services, University of Texas Arlington Library
- Develop web-based library instructional modules
- Assist with faculty implementation of online course materials
- Participate in the management of the UT Arlington Library Digital
Media Studio
- Participate in the development and maintenance of the UT Arlington Library public web site
Assistant Head of Access Services (September 1996-May 2000), University of
Texas Arlington Library
- Participate in departmental management, planning, decision making and
project implementation; staff training and mentoring
- Leader of Internal Materials Access Team; participate in the leadership of
14 FTE plus student assistants
- Lead and consult on technology issues in interlibrary loan, circulation,
reserves, and web-based library services
- Mediate fines and fees disputes and other customer service issues with
library users
Member of Web Development Team (December 1997-January 1999), University of Texas
Arlington Library
(1/4 time appointment, concurrent with other duties)
- Participate in content development and web site maintenance for the UT Arlington Library public web site
- Create Access Services
web site
Intern in Document Delivery (September 1995-August 1996), University of Texas
Arlington Library
(1/2 time appointment, concurrent with other duties)
- Research document delivery service models
- Assess projected impact of service implementation
- Design and implement new staff procedures
Document Delivery Specialist (August 1993-August 1996), Interlibrary Loan,
University of Texas Arlington Library
- ILL management software administrator
- Responsible for "Rush" borrowing; help order "non-Rush"
- Verify problem citations using electronic and print sources
Lending Coordinator (February 1993-August 1993), Interlibrary Loan, University
of Texas Arlington Library
- Responsible for processing 1500-1800 requests per month
- Supervise 5-6 student assistants
Circulation Supervisor (September 1990-November
1992), Krannert Memorial Library,
University of Indianapolis
- With a co-supervisor, responsible for circulation, reserves, stacks
maintenance and building security
- Supervise 15-18 student assistants
- Monitor and propose revisions to policies and procedures
- Assist with Interlibrary Loan and Reference Services
Library Assistant (September 1986-May 1988), Geography & Map Library, Indiana
- Check in and file USGS topographic maps
- Staff the circulation/reference desk
- Open and close the library on Sundays
Library Assistant (June 1975-August 1978), Bibliographic Search
Department, University of Iowa Library
- Check in and file LC catalog cards
- Bibliographic searching for orders
Library Assistant (Fall 1971-Summer 1972), Maquoketa (Iowa) Community
Public Library
- Shelving and circulation desk duties
Teaching Experience
Individual and small group sessions for University of Texas Arlington faculty and staff on web
design; web authoring; using specific software including Acrobat, FrontPage,
Dreamweaver, and WebCT; and orientation and skills workshops in using Second Life (June 2000-present)
Sessions for University of Texas Arlington faculty in using UnCover document delivery services
(University of Texas at Arlington Libraries, June-August 1997)
Introduction to Linguistic Analysis - for upperclass students and
linguistics majors, Indiana University-Bloomington (1989)
Introduction to Linguistics - freshman level,
Indiana University-Bloomington (1988-1989)
Teaching English as a Second Language - English Grammar, English
Phonology, MA Program in Teaching English as a Second Language, St. Michael’s College, Colchester,
Vermont (June-August 1989,
June-August 1990)
English as a Second Language - credit-earning ESL classes.
Indiana University-Bloomington (1985-1990)
English as a Second Language - Intensive English Program, Indiana
University-Bloomington (1981-1985)
Conference Presentations
- "An Entire Statewide University System Goes Virtual", VWBPE 2010 (Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education), co-presenter (2010)
- "Changing
Expectations: The views of a manager and a staff member", IFLA 68 (International Federation of Library Associations and
Glasgow, Scotland (2002)
- "Three Ways to Provide Remote Access: EZproxy, iPlanet, and Apache
Proxy" (poster session), EDUCAUSE,
Indianapolis, Indiana (2001)
- "Here, There & Everywhere: the Evolution of Off-Campus Access to
Electronic Resources at the University of Texas at Arlington Libraries"
(poster session), American Library Association Annual Conference, San
Francisco, California (2001)
- "Three Ways to
Provide Remote Access: EZproxy, iPlanet, and Apache Proxy -- Remote
Access with EZproxy", Texas Distance Learning Association Annual
Conference, Houston, Texas (2001)
- "Performance of commercial document delivery suppliers", Texas
Library Association Annual Conference, Fort Worth, Texas (1997)
- "Cross-cultural categorization of factive and nonfactive
information", TESOL '89, San Antonio, Texas (1989)
- "What are the facts? Prototype semantics and teaching
composition", TESOL '88, Chicago, Illinois (1988)
- "Approaches to code-switching analysis: problems of theory and
methodology", Minnesota Linguistics Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- "Community as classroom", Region VI NAFSA Conference, Athens,
Ohio (1985)
- "Negation and focus in Bolivian Quechua", Second Annual Research
in the Andes Symposium, Bloomington, Indiana (1985)
Selected Projects
- Ongoing participation in the redesign and development of the UT Arlington public web site, contributing user research, usability testing, content inventory and analysis, and information architecture; leading in content review, editing, and migration; participating in the implementation of a content management system
- Information design for Return to Paradise 2003, Tejano
Voices, and UTA
Libraries Online Help
- Created database-driven web applications including database design and
construction, public web interface design, dynamic web pages with ASP, and a
web-based staff database maintenance interface. Projects include a directory
of internet resources, a library
staff directory, web access to UTA
Concerts Recordings
- Designed and helped implement a reorganization plan for the Access
Services Department including new staff roles and a new design for task
organization and workflow
- Planned and helped implement electronic course reserves services
- Developed customized reports from the local online library system database (Endeavor Voyager)
using SQL and MS
- Participated in two library-wide strategic planning processes
- Participated in migration of an online library system (from NOTIS to
Voyager) including configuration of circulation module and staff training
- Designed and performed a trial of unmediated document delivery services
using UnCover prior to service implementation
- Authored user information materials, and staff and student assistant
procedures and training materials
Professional Activities
Committees and service
- Content Management System implementation project (September 2008-present)
- Search Committee--Program Coordinator for Digital Library Services (December 2006-June 2008)
- Team Leader, Intranet Development, University of Texas at Arlington Library (April 2006-2008)
- Web Usability Committee (chair), University of Texas at Arlington Library (September 2005-present)
- Web Advisory Committee (chair), University of Texas at Arlington Library (November 2004-present)
- SFX and MetaLib implementation teams, University of Texas at Arlington Library (May 2004-present)
- Search Committee--Dean of the Library, University of Texas at Arlington (December 2003-March 2004)
- Employee Recognition Task Force, University of Texas at Arlington Library (October 2003-March 2004)
- UT Arlington Library Web Redesign Team, University of Texas at Arlington Library (August 2002-September 2003)
- Search Committee--Information Literacy Specialist, Information Literacy
Technologist, University of Texas at Arlington Library (December
2001-February 2002)
- Public Services Task Force, University of Texas at Arlington Library
(March-April 2001)
- Intranet Advisory Board, University of Texas at Arlington Library (June
2000-March 2001)
- Technology Strategic Planning Team, University of Texas at Arlington
Library (December 1999-February 2000)
- Voyager Management Information Task Force, University of Texas at
Arlington Library (July-September 2000)
- Voyager Reports Task Force, Chair, University of Texas at Arlington
Library (November 1999-June 2000)
- Alliance for Higher Education Interlibrary Loan Committee secretary
- Human Research Review Committee, University of Texas at Arlington
- Employee Recognition Committee, University of Texas at Arlington Library
(2002-2004, 1997-1999, Chair 1998-1999)
- Digital Scanning Task Force, University of Texas at Arlington Library
(August-November 1998)
- Search Committee--Budget and Planning Librarian, University of Texas at
Arlington Library (1997)
- Strategic Planning Team, University of Texas at Arlington Library
- Library Services Council, University of Texas at Arlington Library
- Gopher Task Force, University of Texas at Arlington Library (1994)
- Nominating Committee, University of Texas at Arlington Library Staff
Association (1993, 1996)
- Current: American Society for Information Science & Technology (SIGIA, SIGDL), EDUCAUSE (Participating representative for the University of Texas at
Arlington), IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and
Institutions), Information Architecture Institute
- Internet mailing lists including: IxDLA, WEB4LIB, DIGLIB
Volunteer editor for the Open Directory Project
web directory (August 1998-March 2001)
- Choose web sites to be listed, select appropriate category for sites,
write site listing annotations
- Participate in reorganizations of directory ontology
- Top-level editor in the News category,
other primary editing interests in Libraries
and Beatles
- Granted "editall/catmv" status in December 1999 with privileges
for editing site listings and altering category structure across the directory
Current professional development interests:
information design for immersive online environments, content management, cross-device web sites (desktop, PDA, web-enabled phone)
Additional Skills & Training
Workshop Attendance
- Usability In Practice: Three-Day Intensive Camp (Nielson Norman Group) (2006)
- User Experience 2005 (Nielson Norman Group) (2005)
- Don't Make Me Think: The Workshop (2005)
- Creating Passionate Users, O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference (2005)
- Gilbane Conference on Content Management Technologies, Boston MA (2004)
- SFX and MetaLib (ExLibris) implementation training (2004)
- "Core Developer I", FatWire, Burlington, Massachusetts (2004)
- WebLogic 8.1 portal development, BEA, San Jose, California (2003)
- "Fundamentals of Java Programming", New Horizons, Fort Worth, Texas (2003)
- Macromedia Flash and Director, Digital
Training & Designs, Addison, Texas (2002)
- "Presenting Data and Information", Edward
Tufte, Austin, Texas (2002)
- "XML Fundamentals for Developers" and "Advanced XML
Programming", Productivity Point,
Dallas, Texas (2001)
- "Handheld Computers in Libraries", LITA pre-conference workshop,
American Library Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, California (2001)
- "Putting Your Course Online with WebCT", pre-conference
workshop, GWETC (Governor's Wisconsin Educational Technology Conference),
Madison, Wisconsin (2000)
- "Creating Web-based Instructional Materials", ACRL pre-conference
workshop, American Library Association Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois
- "Continuity and Innovation in Resource
Sharing", OCLC Institute seminar, Dublin, Ohio (May 1999)
- "Process
Improvement in Customer-Centered User Services", American Library Association RUSA/MOUSS Institute workshop,
Indianapolis, Indiana (October 1998)
- Various workshops on team building, leadership and facilitation; customer service theory and
skills; diversity issues; internal control issues and practices
Technology Tools & Techniques
- Web development on Linux/Unix and Windows
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript, VBScript, SQL, database design, graphics creation and manipulation with Photoshop
- Flowcharting, prototype development, usability testing protocol development
- Integrated online library systems: NOTIS 6.0, ExLibris Voyager
- PCs since 1985; online since 1989
Notes from workshops and conferences: Beyond the Fat Wire
upon request
Sarah Jones
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Last Modified: 18 April 2010